So you don’t want to take Amnesty’s word for it? Okay.

The respected human rights organisation Amnesty International has come out in favour of the decriminalisation of prostitution by which they mean payed sex between consenting adults. This post is thought provoking and well worth a read. Kevin

Feminist Ire

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Last week, Amnesty International finally published its full policy position on sex work. The reaction from anti-sex work feminists has been predictable: lots of vitriol, penis-shaped candles, and pimp smears, but little to no engagement with Amnesty’s actualarguments. The 101-page report into Amnesty’s research in Norway (Melissa Gira Grant has summarised it well here)has been, unsurprisingly, almost totally ignored, apart from a couple suggestions that Amnesty is too compromised for its research to be trusted anyway.

Well, great news, “Nordic model” advocates: you don’t have to take Amnesty’s word. Because Swedish super cop Simon Haggstrom – you’ll know him from his frequent visits to other countries to proselytise for the sex purchase ban – has now published his memoirs. Only in Swedish, alas, but that’s why God made Google Translate. Here are some of…

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4 thoughts on “So you don’t want to take Amnesty’s word for it? Okay.

  1. PorterGirl

    Interesting post. I am personally of the view that prostitution should be legalised and regulated so that the ladies (or gentlemen, for that matter) can work in a safe and clean environment, contribute taxes and to a pension fund and receive the benefits and protections offered to any other lawfully employed person. The use of contraception would be mandatory and regular health checks for the staff carried out. You will never stop the sex trade – it is the oldest profession – but it can be made safer for all concerned,

    1. drewdog2060drewdog2060 Post author

      Many thanks for your comment Lucy. As I understand it prostitution in and of itself is not illegal in the UK (but many of the activities surrounding it are classified as being so). It is not illegal to pay for sex with a consenting adult (aged 18 or older), however brothels (where two or more people work) are illegal as is street work and soliciting in a public place. Paying for the sexual services of someone who has been forced into prostitution is illegal irrespective of whether the person paying is aware that coercion has been employed. It is an open secret that the majority of escort agencies furnish sexual services but unless there are underage women (or men) employed or drugs are being sold the police turn a blind eye as (quite frankly) they have better things to do with their time than arrest consenting adults. I didn’t know whether to laugh or be disturbed when I read of Swedish police pressing their ear up against the doors of hotel rooms to determine whether prostitution is taking place. On balance I am disturbed from a civil liberties perspective and also from a feeling that police resources could be better employed catching violent criminals, fraudsters etc. I agree with your comments. Best. Kevin

      1. PorterGirl

        Yes, the law does get confusing around prostitution, but if it was all cleaned up with properly run brothels etc, things would be a lot clearer (and safer!) for all involved. That Swedish cop seems very keen on his job! He should be more concerned with protecting vulnerable workers (and customers, come to that) than the salacious details of the activities themselves! Have a super day and give Trigger a pat from me.

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